In a historic decision, the commissioners of the 43rd General Council decided on March 20, 2021, to conduct the 44th General Council(opens in a new tab) online only in July 2022. This will be the first time in the church’s 97-year history that the triennial meeting will not be in person. While everyone hopes the pandemic will be on the wane, there may be lingering concerns about the safety of travel.

The commissioners for GC44 will be elected from the 16 regional councils and the National Indigenous Council throughout 2021, and education sessions on the business coming to the 44th General Council will begin in February 2022. The July 2022 meeting will make decisions and elect the new Moderator for the next three years. The current terms of the 43rd General Council’s commissioners, national committees, and Moderator were extended a year from 2021 to 2022 because of the pandemic.

Details of the new meeting format will be posted on the 44th General Council website in the coming months.

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