Our Motto: Being children of God, Becoming followers of Jesus, Belonging to a Christian community.
Our Purpose: To welcome, support and sustain participants as we become an open and diverse Christian community of faith.
Our Mission: We are called as a congregation to support, equip, and nurture our members as we live our call to serve God's children in Mission and the Central Fraser Valley.
The community of St. Andrew's is committed to sharing God's love and grace, and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus through worship, study, work, action and fellowship. All persons are welcome to take part in every aspect of church life including membership, leadership, and celebration of all life's passages, regardless of: age, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, differing abilities, ethnic background and/or economic circumstances.
We pray for God's spirit to guide us as we work for reconciliation and justice for all people in both church and society.